Affiliate and Partner Organisations

EAA Affiliate Organisations

Affiliation to the EAA is open to organisations and institutions that adhere to the principles and professional standards of the EAA, according to our Statutes, Codes and Principles. Affiliation is subject to a minimum of five of the affiliate organisation members being individual full members of the EAA and is defined by a specific formal agreement. Please contact the EAA staff ( for further details.

Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists (ABA)

logo of Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists

EAA Partner Organisations

The EAA establishes partnership with akin organisations that share common values on archaeology and cultural heritage, and are interested in mutual relationship and promotion. Formal partnership is codified through a Memorandum of Understanding, which sets out the basis for cooperation between the two organisations in order to foster collaboration. Informal partnership is in place with other organisations via mutual complimentary attendance and exhibiting at conferences. Please contact the EAA staff ( for further details.

Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA)

logo of Chartered Institute for Archaeologists

The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) is the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas. It promotes high professional standards and strong ethics in archaeological practice, to maximise the benefits that archaeologists bring to society. Founded in 1982, CIfA is the authoritative and effective voice for archaeologists, bringing recognition and respect to our profession. It represents professional archaeology to government, policy-makers and business.

CIfA sets standards and issues guidelines, improves career prospects through training and learning opportunities and by providing information about developments in professional practice. CIfA professionals are accredited and skilled in the study and care of the historic environment. They, and CIfA’s Registered Organisations, sign up to a rigorous Code of conduct, professional development (CPD) schemes and complaints procedures to uphold competence and standards in archaeology. In these ways, CIfA acts as a self-regulatory body for the archaeological profession.

Applications for accreditation as a professional archaeologist are welcomed from any branch of archaeology and any part of the world.

CIfA shares with EAA a commitment to the promotion of professionalism and good practice in archaeology, and values it as a partner.

Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SafA)

logo of Society of Africanist Archaeologists

On 30 August 2017, at the Annual Meeting of the EAA at Maastricht, the European Association of Archaeologists and the Society of Africanist Archaeologists  (SafA), represented by their presidents, signed a Memorandum of Understanding, recognising a mutual interest in the field of African and European archaeology and associated disciplines and the importance of archaeological professional associations in promoting international collaboration.

Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA)

logo of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology

CAA is an international organisation bringing together archaeologists, mathematicians and computer scientists. Its aims are to encourage communication between these disciplines, to provide a survey of present work in the field and to stimulate discussion and future progress. Membership is open to anyone on payment of a nominal fee. CAA organises an annual international scientific conference, where practitioners can present their work in paper sessions, and discuss developments with colleagues from all over the world in round tables and workshops. The conference sessions cover a wide range of topics, including data acquisition and recording, conceptual modelling, semantic technologies, data analysis, data management, digital 3D object reconstruction, image visualisation in archaeology, geophysics and GIS.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e.V. (DGUF)

logo of DGUF – the German Society for Pre- and Protohistory

The DGUF has been promoting archaeology and archaeological policy concerns of prehistory and early history for half a century, primarily in Germany. It contributes to the dissemination of certain and well-founded knowledge pertaining to archaeology and to the advancement and improvement of the framework conditions for a modern archaeology in research and teaching as well in the preservation and maintenance of archaeological heritage sites. Membership of the DGUF is open to everyone. DGUF is based mainly on individual memberships. Although most of its members have a degree in archaeology, membership is open to everyone. DGUF sees itself as a learned society and a NGO as well. Within Germany, DGUF complements traditional local and regional societies in being the only NGO for European pre- and protohistoric archaeology acting on a national (and European) scale.

On the national level, the DGUF collaborates with suitable partners by sharing the work, for example with CIfA Deutschland, the professional association, which is in the process of being set up. The DGUF collaborates on both the national and the international level with other specialist associations and particularly with NGOs engaged on archaeological policy.

The official language of the DGUF is German, but publications and conferences of DGUF are regularly also bilingual, German and English. The DGUF is listed with the register of associations in Bonn (Germany) as an “e.V. (registered association)”, it has non-profit status for tax purposes and its permanent office is in Kerpen-Loogh (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany).