About EAA Annual Meetings

The EAA Annual Meetings are the highlight of the EAA year, bringing together colleagues from all over Europe to discuss important issues in research, heritage management and commercial practice, ethics and theory, and the latest results of fieldwork and research projects.

With over 3,000 delegates and more than 250 sessions, the EAA Annual Meetings have grown to be an essential event on the European archaeological scene. The friendly atmosphere and lively social programme provide excellent opportunities for networking.

Each Annual Meeting has its own flavour, not least in reflection of the national or local character of the venue - you can catch a glimpse in our past conference overviews, including some filmed conference sessions. For details of how to plan your conference presentation or bidding to host an EAA Annual Meeting, please read the guidelines below.

Conference participants registering for an EAA Annual Meeting


EAA Annual Meetings aim to:

  • provide a forum for all sectors of the archaeological community
  • maintain a similar format but varied and evolving profile and programme for each EAA AM (in close collaboration between the local AM Organiser, the EAA Executive Board and the EAA Secretariat)
  • collate and present scientific research results; discuss professional experience, issues and developments in archaeological theory, practice, and heritage management and politics in Europe and globally; review the professional, cultural and social standing of archaeology as a profession and its role in the protection and promotion of cultural heritage
  • bring together individuals working, or interested, in archaeology from different social, professional, cultural and academic backgrounds to network and to strengthen personal and professional links
  • consolidate and develop the work of EAA and its Members
  • provide an open platform for communication and liaison with other international associations in the field of archaeology, archaeological heritage management and related disciplines
  • recruit new Members to the EAA and to raise awareness of its work.


The official working language of the Association and the Annual Meetings is English. Presentations in major European languages other than English are not excluded, but these require an abstract and PowerPoint presentation in English. We provide simultaneous translation facilities at the Opening Ceremony if invited keynote and guest speakers opt to speak in their native language.

EAA conference participants enjoying drinks and conversation in an Irish pub

Bidding Procedure

The EAA is extremely encouraged by the fact that organisations continue to express serious interest in organising future EAA Annual Meetings (AM) together with the associated European Archaeology Fair (EAF; formally, the exhibition associated with the AM). At present the EAA is already working with, or has entered into negotiations with, partners who have agreed to organise an Annual Meeting and Fair up to and including 2026. Due to the continued success and growth of these events, from 2023 the EAA has opened a more formal bidding process to select future venues. This more inclusive, open and transparent process will enable any interested party to apply. Please refer to the Annual Meeting bidding procedure guide, the Annual Meeting general organisation schedule and the Preliminary guidelines for hosting an EAA Annual Meeting below for details. The deadline for submitting bids to host the 2027 - 2028 EAA Annual Meetings is 31 January 2024.
