Advertisement at the bottom of EAA home page
- Format: logo (suggested dimensions: 1000 - 1400 px width x 300 px height) and link
- Price: 1000 € per 3 months
- Limit: up to 3 adverts (adverts over the limit will be held over into the next available 3-months slot/period)
- Due date: not set, display of adverts rolling
Advertisement in the TEA newsletter (pdf and web version)
- Format: A4 interspersed within the text of the newsletter (pdf) and banner-style image on home page of given TEA issue (suggested dimensions: 1000 - 1400 px width x 300 px height)
- Price: 300 €
- Limit: up to 3 adverts per issue (adverts over the limit will be held over for the next issue)
- Exemptions:
- Individual new book advertisements – free of charge; implement a new section “New books” where authors are welcome to publish summary of their book up to a 350 words limit
- New books advertisement by a publisher – free of charge under the condition that they offer a discount to EAA Members; if no discount is offered, the normal price applies
- Regular announcements (not advertising) which are judged to be beneficial to EAA Membership
- Due dates: 1 January (Winter Issue), 1 April (Spring Issue), 15 June (Summer Issue) and 1 October (Autumn Issue); EAA Secretariat collects the adverts received and forwards them to the TEA Editors
Please contact EAA Secretariat at with any advertising or announcement queries for TEA, as these will be judged on a case-by-case basis.