Community on Storytelling and Archaeologyy

About the Community

Established: 2024
Last renewed: 2020
Contact: Samantha S. Reiter (

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The key responsibilities for StoryArch are the and  exploration of alternative means for communicating archaeological results by archaeologists and the provision of occasions (e.g. through the promotion of relevant events, such as the two storytelling sessions at TAG 2024 in Bournemouth. This will be accomplished through a Community website (with place for discussion forums, news and announcements) as well as a dedicated session at the EAA AM.

Our wish is for StoryArch to be inclusive. We would anticipate that the material would include e.g. These may include e.g., reflexive accounts of both fictional and non-fictional scientific works, illustrations of the utility of the archaeological imagination (through artwork, performance, storytelling, etc.), and critical studies of the portrayal of archaeology/archaeological research in the media, in archaeology-based games, museums, and other venues for the dissemination of archaeology more generally.

In terms of structure, we propose initial Reiter, Walsh and Mytum as initial Co-Chairs with other founding members Schelvis and Bača standing by.

If granted permission to form, and should the EAA continue the grant scheme for the support of Communities, we would anticipate applying for a small grant to cover the creation of a logo and the establishment of a community website.