Medieval Europe Research Community (MERC)

logo of Medieval Europe Research Community

MERC is the successor body of the Medieval Europe Congresses that were held in York, Bruges, Basel and Paris from 1992 to 2007. MERC exists for the same purposes. It aims to promote research through medieval archaeology (AD 400-1600) in every country in greater Europe by providing a hub for existing societies and researchers, aiding practitioners in Europe and the rest of the world. Its ethos is a medieval archaeology without borders.

In 2012, at its inaugural meeting in Helsinki, MERC signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the EAA for the period to 2017, open to review every five years. Through this the five-yearly meetings of the Medieval Europe Congress have been superseded by meetings at and within the annual conference of the European Association of Archaeologists. MERC's principal objective is to raise the profile of medieval research within this conference.

MERC is represented by an elected MERC Committee. MERC's chair for the period 2022-2026 is Carlo Citter. Please see details of the other Committee members below.

Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm EndEmail
Carlo CitterMERC Chair9/1/20229/1/2025carlo.citter@unisi.it55362
Anouk BussetMERC Vice-Chair9/1/20229/1/2025anouk.busset@unil.ch57305
Pam CrabtreeMERC Secretary9/1/20229/1/2025pc4@nyu.edu53869
Jakub Jan SawickiMERC Treasurer9/1/20209/1/2023sawicki@arup.cas.cz60439
Maria VarghaMERC Committee member9/1/20229/1/2025m.vargha@gmail.com56850
Sophie HueglinMERC Committee member9/1/20229/1/2025s.hueglin@web.de51336
Carenza LewisMERC Committee member9/1/20229/1/
Michael LewisMERC Committee member9/1/20229/1/

EAA members can register their interest in MERC by ticking the relevant box in their membership profile. This enables the MERC Committee and EAA to contact just those EAA members who have an interest in medieval Europe. MERC also has a Facebook page where you can exchange information and ideas, and ask questions.

Since 2012, MERC's presence at the EAA annual conference has evolved to now include:

  • an annual MERC Forum (discussion of topical issues; election of new Committee members)
  • MERC-branded sessions (so sessions related to medieval archaeology can be readily identified); contributors to MERC sessions may use this logo in their presentations
  • a MERC Reception (to aid networking with others particularly interested in medieval Europe).

Recently, MERC organised also a roundtable at the EAA annual conference.

There is a MERC nominee from the MERC Committee on the Scientific Committee of the EAA Annual Meeting considering sessions and their content, and we encourage local organisers to ensure that medieval archaeology is included in the pre- and post-conference tours that they offer.

If you are interested in exploring how MERC may lend its support (name and logo) to events and activities that align with its objectives, please contact the MERC Secretary with details of your proposal for the Committee to consider.

The funds that were left over from the Medieval Europe Congress have been passed to MERC, which dispenses them in pursuit of its aims, and especially in assisting students who have joined the EAA to attend the annual EAA conference to present new research in the Middle Ages.

See details of our organisation and election procedures below.

MERC Organisation and Election

14 November 2013, based on EAA Committee, last revised 13 March 2016.

Governance of Committee

  1. The governing body of MERC shall be the Committee. The Committee shall supervise, control, and direct the affairs of MERC.
  2. Only Full Members of the EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) shall be eligible for election to the Committee.
  3. The Committee shall normally consist of three Officers (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and twelve Ordinary Members. In addition, the Committee shall elect a Deputy Chair from its membership, who is also an Officer.
  4. Officers and Ordinary Members shall be elected to the Committee for a period of four years. One Officer and four Ordinary Members shall retire from the Committee each year at the Annual MERC Forum held during the EAA annual meeting. No individual shall serve on the Committee for more than two consecutive periods. They shall become eligible for re-election after an interval of four years.
  5. The Committee shall be empowered to make co-options to fill the places of elected members who do not complete their full four-year terms of office. This co-option will be effective until the following Annual Committee Meeting, at which point the vacancy will be filled by election as described in the Rules of Election.
  6. The Committee shall be empowered to co-opt up to three further Ordinary Members in any one year for reasons that will assist the work of the Committee. Such co-options will be renewed annually, normally at the Annual MERC Forum, for up to four years.
  7. The Committee shall normally hold one meeting each year. Dates and locations of meetings shall be proposed by the Chair and approved by the Committee or a majority of the Committee.
  8. Meetings shall normally be chaired by the Chair or Deputy Chair; the Secretary and then Treasurer if they are absent.The quorum for a Meeting of the Committee shall be half of its Members plus one, including at least one Officer. Decisions shall be made by simple majority vote. In the event of a tied vote, the chair of the meeting shall have the casting vote. The Committee may delegate the conduct of its business to the Chair and other Officers between meetings.
  9. The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation of meetings of the Committee and the Annual Committee Meeting,and together with the Chair shall oversee the proper recording of the proceedings of meetings and shall ensure that decisions of the Annual Committee Meeting and the MERC Forum are implemented.
  10. Committee members are expected to attend at least one in three meetings, and those missing three meetings in a row will normally lose their position on the Committee.

Rules of Election

  1. The Committee and the EAA members shall be entitled to nominate one or more candidates for election to each vacant position on the Committee. The Committee will encourage a broad geographical representation with respect to age, institutional affiliation, and gender where relevant. EAA communications will be used to communicate with MERC-registered EAA members, while Facebook will be used to also communicate with non-EAA members.
  2. Candidates (EAA members only) should be nominated at least 60 days in advance of the MERC Forum. Nominations will be circulated through the EAA at least thirty days before the MERC Forum.
  3. Each EAA Member shall be entitled to vote for one nominated candidate for each vacant position on the Committee. Voting shall be by secret ballot, by sending an email to the Secretary. The Secretary will be responsible for the counting of votes received and shall present and certify the candidates with the most votes at the MERC Forum.