Community on Teaching and Training of Archaeologists (CTTA)

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About the Community

Established: 2000
Last renewed: 2019
Contact: Raimund Karl (, Chair, Kate Geary (, Secretary

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Aims and purpose

  1. The Committee’s aim is to raise standards of teaching and training of archaeology in Europe and throughout the world.
  2. The Committee will encourage international co-operation and exchange of ideas.
  3. The Committee will concern itself with the university teaching and continuing professional development (CPD) of archaeologists (including part-time and ‘amateur’).
  4. It will encourage the establishment of university courses in archaeology throughout Europe.
  5. Archaeology is a multidisciplinary subject and its teaching needs to be appropriately resourced.
  6. The Committee will encourage a progression of training from the general to the specialised.
  7. The Committee will monitor the harmonisation throughout Europe of university and educational systems in archaeology.
  8. It will encourage the provision and monitoring of life-long training to underpin the discipline and profession of archaeology.
  9. It will encourage the establishment of national archaeological committees to develop and monitor the provision of university and professional training.
  10. It will encourage the EAA to foster the development of university and professional training across Europe.

Modus operandi

  1. The Committee shall convene during the EAA annual conference as a Round Table. Any EAA member may attend.
  2. There will be no formal membership of the Committee and decisions will be made by those attending the Round Table, or who have signified their opinions in writing or by email, and who are members of the EAA.
  3. Members of the EAA and others who have expressed their wish to be involved and kept informed of developments will be informed of developments via an email distribution list. The circulation list will also include ‘correspondents’ who need not be members of the EAA.
  4. At the annual Round Table the Committee shall appoint a Chair, and a Steering Group for the following year, and where necessary, decide on any major topics for discussion in the following year. The Steering Group will also arrange the agenda, speakers to introduce topics, and prepare a report for the Annual Business Meeting of the EAA.
  5. The Committee will set up small ‘Working Groups’ to discuss and develop specific topics (these could relate to an individual country, or deal with a particular aspect of training such as field courses). These groups will report annually to the Executive Committee.
  6. The Committee may set up Working Groups to monitor any EAA Codes of Practice concerned with teaching and training (e.g. the draft code on running field courses).
  7. The Committee will establish a web site to act as a centre for dissemination of information, and as a directory to national and institutional web sites.
  8. The Committee will abide by the current guidelines of the EAA and this document may be revised at the Annual Business Meeting.