The 11th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) took place on September 5 – 11 in Cork, Ireland.
Almost 700 archaeologists from 33 countries attended the Meeting. The delegates delivered over 460 papers and posters organized into 59 sessions and roundtables. The three main themes were:
- Archaeology and material culture – interpreting the record,
- Archaeology of today: theory and methods,
- Managing the archaeological record and cultural heritage.
Chronologically, the contributions ranged from 5000 BC to the 19th century AD and included also current matters related with Archaeology in modern Europe. The printed programme contained abstracts of all the papers and posters, the same as a directory of the participants.
The technical aspects of the Meeting were perfectly managed and added to the smooth organization of the lectures. Social and cultural events, as well as excursions to the different archaeological and historical sites of southern Ireland accompanied the conference. The EAA Annual Meeting in Cork was rated among the best conferences in the EAA history, credit for which goes to the local staff, the sponsors, and the delegates themselves.