7th EAA Annual Meeting in Esslingen, Germany

The EAA 7th Annual Meeting took place in Esslingen, Germany, 19-23 September 2001.

For the first time, the European Association of Archaeologists held its annual meeting in Germany. From Wednesday 19 until Sunday, 23 September 2001 the meeting of European archaeologists took place in the old Reichsstadt Esslingen am Neckar (Baden-Württemberg). The preparation and organisation of the congress were vested in the Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg and in the board of the Deutsche Altertumsverbände, which represent all archaeological institutions in Germany. The program of the congress included three days (Thursday to Saturday) of lectures and round tables in three subject blocks. The meeting of members took place on Saturday and the congress ended on Sunday with several excursions to significant cultural monuments in Baden-Württemberg. The Fachhochschule Esslingen (technical university), the venue of the conference, is located at the outskirts of the medieval old town of Esslingen. The Stadthalle (city hall) of Esslingen, where the inauguration program as well as the “closing dinner” took place, is also located on the outskirts of the old town just 5 minutes walk from the Fachhochschule. The “annual party” of the European Association of Archaeologists was held in the big cinema and discotheque complex on the Dick areal on the outskirts of the old town. The old town of Esslingen offered many additional possibilities for meeting in cosy restaurants, pubs or in wine bars.


Block I - Managing the archaeological record and the cultural heritage

  1. Evaluating Archaeologists - The Business of Archaeology (Gerry Wait, United Kingdom)
  2. Integrated Conservation: Archaeology and Sustainable Development (Tom Bloemers & Monique Eerden, Netherlands & Kate Clark, United Kingdom)
  3. Broadening Access to Archaeological Information: New Developments (Stewart Bryant, United Kingdom)
  4. he Urban Archaeology Project - where are we going in the 21st century? (Bob Croft, United Kingdom)
  5. Archaelogical heritage routes (Geir Sør-Reime, Norway)

Block II - Archaeology of today: Theoretical and methodological perspectives

  1. Archaeology of Architecture (Archaeotecture). Seeking a new archaeological vision of Architecture (Rebeca Blanco Rotea & Patricia Mañana Blanco & Xurxo Ayán Vila, Spain)
  2. Archaeology and Cultural Diversity (Kate Clark & Anne Killebrew, United Kingdom)
  3. German Archaeological Theory and Practice in its European Context (Alexander Gramsch & Ulrike Sommer, Germany)
  4. Quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie. Thema Klassifikation I. (Herzog & Th. Weber & Andreas Zimmermann, Germany)
  5. Worlds Collide: Multiculturalism in the Archaeological Record (Constanze Witt, USA)
  6. Archaeology and its History: Current Research and Past Readings (Martin Goalen & Diane Fortenberry, United Kingdom)
  7. A Sociological Approach to Contemporary Archaeology (Lise Bender Jørgensen & Linda Lövkvist, Sweden)
  8. Archaeology, Nationalism and Ethnicity (Stephanie Koerner & Marek Zvelebil, United Kingdom)
  9. The Archaeological Theory and Practice in East and West: an History of Common and Different Grounds (Ana C. N. Martins, Portugal)
  10. Archaeology of Colonialism: The Colonialism of Archaeology (Margarita Díaz-Andreu & Laurajane Smith, United Kingdom)
  11. New Media - New Perspectives in Archaeology (Stefanie Samida & Jörg Wicke & Peter F. Biehl, Germany)
  12. Archaeology/postmodernism: and, or, without, after... (Andris Sne, Latvia)

Block III - Archaeology and material culture - interpreting the archaeological record

  1. The exploitation of salt in European archaeology (John Chapman, United Kingdom)
  2. Lithics on landscape: Landscape archaeology for hunter-gatherers (María del Mar López Cordeiro, Spain)
  3. Continuity and Discontinuity: Transition periods in European Prehistory (part II; Martin Bartelheim & Volker Heyd, Germany)
  4. Environment, settlement history and landscape planning (part 1 and 2)
  5. CULTURAL LANDSCAPE AND LANDSCAPE PLANNING (part one; Dirk Meier, Germany & Charles Mount, Ireland)
  6. ENVIRONMENTAL RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HUMAN HABITAT (part two; Natalia Shishlina & Maria Bronnikova, Russia Discussant: Roger Langohr, Belgium)
  7. Enclosing the past: inside and outside in prehistory - Abgrenzung des Raumes in der Vorgeschichte (Anthony Harding, United Kingdom & Susanne Sievers, Germany & Natalie Venclová, Cech Republic)
  8. Accessing Time and Fluidity in Rock-art: Recent Trends and Perspectives in European Rock-Art Studies (George Nash, United Kingdom & Margarita Diaz-Andreu, United Kingdom)
  9. The Archaeology of fire. Fire in Protohistory and History (Dragos Gheorghiu, Romania)
  10. European Steppe of Bronze Age (Pavel Kouznetsov & Oleg Motchalov, Russia)
  11. Cultural responses to natural stresses: on the cause of Stone Age revolutions (Galina Levkovskaya & Leonid Visdhnyatsky, Russia)
  12. Transport and horsebreeding in Europe in the Eneolithic, Bronze and Early Iron Ages (Elisabeth Jerem, Hungary & Elena Kuzmina, Russia)
  13. Astronomy, Materiality and Changing Landscape (Stanislaw Iwaniszewski, Mexico/Poland)
  14. Ancient Egypt and Antique Europe: Two Parts of the Mediterranean World (Galina Belova, Russia, Edgar Pusch, Germany & Amanda-Alice Maravelia, Greece)
  15. Biomolecular Archaeology (J. Burger, Germany & M. Collins, United Kingdom)
  16. The Archaeology of Literacy (John Pearce, United Kingdom & Ralph Häussler, France)
  17. Long Distance Trade of Hellenistic and Roman Fine Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea Area (Krzysztof Domzalski, Poland & Denis Zhuravlev, Russia)
  18. Perceiving Metals (Peter Northover & Dorothee Bruns, United Kingdom)

Round tables

  1. Evaluating Archaeologists – The Business of Archaeology (Gerry Wait, United Kingdom & Charles Niquette, USA)
  2. Workshop on European funding opportunities for the cultural heritage (Peter Chowne & J. Tzanidaki & S. Costantini)
  3. Biomolecular Archaeology (J. Burger, Germany & M. Collins, United Kingdom)
  4. Aerial Archaeology - a powerful tool to explore ancient European landscapes and for monument protection (Otto Braasch, Germany & Bob Bewley)
  5. Archaeology in contemporary society – An example using pottery (Timothy Darvill, United Kingdom & Dragos Gheorghiu, Romania)
  6. Working Party on Training and Education (John Collis, United Kingdom)