EAA 1st Annual Meeting in Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The EAA 1st Annual Meeting took place in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain 20-24 September 1995.

Santiago de Compostela comprises the administrative capital of the Historic Community of Galicia, a centre of cultural exchange, the continental finis terrae, pilgrimage centre since the Middle Ages and the final point of the 'Camino de Santiago' (The Way of Santiago).

The number of delegates totalled 533 coming from 44 different countries even as far afield as Sri Lanka and Kenya whose representatives took full advantage of this unique opportunity to communicate and exchange ideas with their European colleagues.

As stated in the initial mailing, the aim of the meeting was to recognise the diverse character of contemporary societies and this plurality as one of the fundamental values as much in life as in academic disciplines and exchange and to therefore look for strategies that facilitate mutual understanding. The model of organization of the sessions and timetabling of the Meeting that the Santiago team introduced set a precedent for all future EAA Annual Meetings.

1995 Abstract Book
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1995 Programme Book
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