European Archaeological Heritage Prize 2011
Girolamo Ferdinando De Simone and Avvocato Francesco Pinto
The 13th European Archaeological Heritage Prize has been awarded to Dr. Girolamo Ferdinando De Simone and Avvocato Francesco Pinto.
cooperation between Dr. Girolamo Ferdinando De Simone and Avvocato
Francesco Pinto has brought back to light an important Roman monumental
complex which after its first uncovering in 1988, had been forgotten,
buried under tons of refuse in an illegal dump.
a scientific point of view, the systematic investigation of the
monument revealed that the Northern slopes of Vesuvius did in fact have
an important habitation also during antiquity, and also that it had been
reinhabited again soon after the eruption of Vesuvius responsible for
the complete destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum. By focusing on the
Northern slopes of Vesuvius, the project has considerably expanded and
nuanced the insight into Roman settlement in Campania, hitherto
overshadowed by the splendour of Baiae, Pompeii and Herculaneum. The
investigation has also added to our insights into life in Campania
during the high and late empire between the eruption of 79 A.D. and that
of 472 A.D. which particularly affected the Northern slopes of
important of all, the excavation, presentation and return of the
monument to the public, all of which happened under very difficult
conditions, mobilized and encouraged the local community which
participates in the archaeological work with enthusiasm. It is
ground-breaking and in line with the spirit of the European Faro
Girolamo Ferdinando De Simone’s work bespeaks the spirit of
responsibility and dedication of the active field archaeologists in
Europe. The firm stance of the Mayor of Pollena Trocchia, Avvocato
Francesco Pinto, who bravely defended the archaeological work and
heritage against illegal but mighty interests, is laudable as it
reconnected the Pollena Trocchia inhabitants with their historical past
and reinstated their lost pride.
awarding of the European Heritage Prize to Dr. Girolamo Ferdinando De
Simone and Mayor Francesco Pinto sends a message of optimism to other
European regions whose cultural heritage is endangered by questionable
interests. The synergetic results of their cooperation constitutes a
luminous example of what can achieved when heritage management and archaeological research enjoys local society’s support and when archaeologists are conscious of their potential to contribute to society.