Statement on Ukraine from Archaeological Organizations Worldwide

March 24, 2022: The EAA is signatory to the Statement on Ukraine from Archaeological Organizations Worldwide.

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Archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, and others who study the past depend on open international cooperation, because human interactions in the past were not restricted by modern borders. However, the invasion of Russian armed forces into Ukraine compels us to raise our voices as associations representing archaeologists globally. Respect for fundamental human rights, respect for the sovereignty of independent states, and compliance with international law are prerequisites for scientific and cultural international exchange. In the strongest terms, we condemn the invasion of Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation and demand an immediate cessation of military activities. Protection from harm for both the people of Ukraine and the rich archaeological and cultural heritage they curate is our highest priority. We endorse the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention  and the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage  and, specifically, the current statement issued by Europa Nostra, signed by scholars from more than 30 European countries

The Iron Curtain divided Europe and its archaeologists for two generations. Scholars have carefully built bridges between Western and East European research and heritage management over the last three decades. The demons of war now threaten a new Iron Curtain, curtailing collegial and professional relations once more. We cannot sit by silently and witness this happening again.

We express solidarity with the people of Ukraine and also with the many Russian and Belarussian scholars who maintain an independent, fact-based approach to understanding both current and past events.

The Australian Archaeological Association  is the largest archaeological organization in Australia, representing a diverse membership of professionals, researchers, students, and others with an interest in archaeology. Its aims include promoting the advancement of archaeology, providing an organization for the discussion and dissemination of archaeological information and ideas, and publicizing the need for the study and conservation of archaeological sites and collections.

The European Association of Archaeologists  currently has over 1,500 members from 41 countries around the world. It promotes the exchange of archaeological information and the development of archaeological research in Europe and worldwide, as well the application of proper ethical and scientific standards for archaeological work.

The Register of Professional Archaeologists  is a community of professional archaeologists. Our mission is to establish and adhere to standards and ethics that represent and adapt to the dynamic field of archaeology and to provide a resource for entities who rely on professional archaeology services.

The Sociedad de Arqueología de La Paz - Bolivia (SALP - BOLIVIA) , is a nonprofit organization that brings together archaeology professionals and students, whose main objectives are the defense of the Bolivian archaeological cultural heritage and the promotion of the ethical exercise of the profession. It was founded on February 9, 2006, and is currently the only legally established organized civil entity in the country.

The Society for American Archaeology  is an international organization that, since its founding in 1934, has been dedicated to research about and interpretation and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With nearly 7,000 members, the SAA represents professional and avocational archaeologists, archaeology students in colleges and universities, and archaeologists working at tribal agencies, museums, government agencies, and the private sector. The SAA has members throughout the United States, as well as in many nations around the world.

The World Archaeological Congress is a nongovernmental, not-for-profit organization which promotes world archaeology. It is the only global archaeological organization with elected representation.