TEA: What is your connection to archaeology?
Sára Tylšová: Honestly, just the EAA! I had no connection to archaeology before I started working here. Prior to that time, my idea of an archaeologist mainly came from the Indiana Jones movies! Although I have yet to meet Indy at the EAA, I have met many other cool people instead and they were not fictional characters, but rather very real and very nice people!
TEA: What is the most important and relevant part of your work?
Sára Tylšová: Being a non-archaeologist, I must say the contribution is huge. Personally, I am grateful for the work that is done in this field; it means that the rest of us who do not do wide research or dig in dirt can actually learn something interesting about history. I’ve always dreamt about travelling in time. Thanks to archaeology, we can do that in some small way.
TEA: Describe your workspace in five words or less.
Sára Tylšová: Cosy colourful mess
TEA: What is the one piece of gear you can’t live without in the field/office?
Sára Tylšová: Without any doubt that would be my computer. Apart from that, I would also really miss my warm fluffy socks. Since I work from home, my socks are my best friends, especially now in the wintertime! J
TEA: If you could go back in time, would you go? Where and when?
Sára Tylšová: Tough question. So many cool places to go… If I had to choose one, I would go to Ancient Rome to visit the Roman Baths and have a chat with some clever philosopher like Petronius…
TEA: What is your favourite part of your job?
Sára Tylšová: That is also very hard to say, but probably communication with our members and exhibitors. It is mainly via e-mails (which is never the same as though personal contact), however, a lot of people have the amazing gift of transmitting their warmth and kindness even in written form and it always makes my day.
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