Calendar for EAA members

  • 1 August - EAA Student Award submissions deadline
  • 2 August - EAA Secretariat sends out ballot papers to current Members
  • 17 August - AMBM documents sent to Full Individual Members electronically
  • 31 August - 3 Sept - EAA 2022 Annual Meeting in Budapest
  • 2 September, 12:00 CEST - Deadline for submitting votes in EAA election
  • 2 September, 18:45 CEST - 2022 AMBM informal meeting
  • 9 September, 23:59 CEST - Deadline for submissions TEA Photojournalism Competition
  • 12 September - EAA Secretariat releases the video recording of the AMBM informal meeting and provides individualised secured access to the AMBM per rollam voting to all Full Individual Members
  • 12 - 15 September - AMBM voting held per rollam
  • before 30 September - Publication of the results of the AMBM voting on the EAA website and by e-mail to all Full Individual Members
  • 30 September - Attendance certificates available at submission website
  • 15 October - Deadline for sending in articles and announcements for TEA fall issue

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Upcoming Events



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A Chat with the Secretariat over TEA: Kateřina Kleinová

TEA: How did you start working for the EAA?

K. Kleinová: I studied archaeology and loved being in the field (especially when the weather was nice, obviously…). Eventually, I focused more on digitization, book preparations and language editing, etc., which I found that I actually enjoyed even more. When I read about an open part-time position in the EAA back in 2016, I knew I had to take the chance and apply. One of the positive aspects was also that the EAA’s office is situated in the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, where I was working at the time of application, so it was quite convenient.

TEA: What drives your work for the EAA?

K. Kleinová: From my perspective as Events and Data Manager, we aim to provide Members with a space for communication and improvement in the field of archaeology. Though it may sometimes not seem like it (for example, when we have to reject late submissions or delete presentations of unpaid authors), we really aim to work for and help our Members as much as we possibly can. We make no difference between students or professors, Members new to the Association or a past Executive Board member. That is why we use first names and no titles when talking to you. By becoming a Member of the EAA you enter the community, and I really believe it can make a difference not only in your professional but also personal life.

TEA: How do you envisage EAA’s future?

K. Kleinová: or now, the goal is to organise our Annual Meetings in a hybrid format, thereby allowing online participation for those who are not able to come in person for whatever reason, be it a lack of money or time, illness prohibiting travels or anything else. We will be testing this format for the first time now at the Budapest Meeting! Please wish us luck and be patient.

TEA: What is the one piece of equipment that you can’t live without at work?

K. Kleinová: The ‘correct‘ answer should be my laptop, but quite honestly, without the morning coffee (or, rather, coffees), do not even try talking to me!

TEA: What is the most unusual thing you have noticed about the EAA?

K. Kleinová: What I love about the EAA is the diverse background we all have, and how this translates to different ways of communication. I am very grateful that our Members are kind, supportive and patient, no matter their origins. Our local AM partners always mention their surprise at how calm archaeologists are in stressful situations, as well as how friendly and pleasant they are to talk to. Any idea why that is?

Opening Ceremony during the Kiel 2021 Annual Meeting, handled from Prague. Image courtesy of K. Kleinová.

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Image courtesy of Katka Kleinová 

View of Prague Castle from the Prague office. Image courtesy of K. Kleinová