Programme and Abstract Book

The updated version of the scientific programme (29 Aug) is now available under the Scientific Programme tab. Please check there also instructions for online participants.

 Check now >>   


The Annual Meeting (conference) registration  is now open. You need to be current EAA Member before you register for the AM.

Register now >>   

Important dates

19 Dec 2022  Call for papers opens
13 Feb 2023  Call for paper ends
1 March 2023  Call for volunteers ends
9 March 2023  Call for grants opens
12 April 2023  Call for grants ends
27 April 2023  Deadline for presenters to pay fees
30 Aug - 2 Sept 2023  Annual Meeting


Check deadlines >>   


Main venue:

Queen's University Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
Northern Ireland

Should you need any assistance please contact EAA Secretariat at

Contact us >>  

29th EAA Annual Meeting in Belfast, Northern Ireland,
30 August - 2 September 2023

Welcome by Eszter Bánffy
President of the European Association of Archaeologists

Dear Members!

The 28th Annual meeting, our first fully hybrid conference is still running. Yet, while everything is still on the move in Budapest, your staff, your Executive Board and the organisers of the upcoming 29th Annual meeting have been busy preparing the next feast of European archaeology: in Belfast, between the 31st August and 2nd September 2023. The Scientific Committee, along with the Board have compiled an array of exciting themes, which await thought provoking session proposals, the call for which opens on the 19th September. Following the deadline for the call for sessions the intensive evaluation process begins, yet, this will be just the final phase of prolonged organisational, logistical, and financial work. All our efforts are focused on making the Belfast meeting thrilling but also smooth in all aspects. The conference will be fully hybrid again. The venue of our next Annual meeting is yet another good example of EAA policy: we support European archaeology as a whole, not influenced by the shadows of division - thus, neither Brexit, nor political debates and conflicts are obstacles. EAA supports archaeology and archaeologists especially strongly, where this support is needed!

I trust and hope that we shall start the 2023 Annual meeting in a Europe of regained peace, where discussions on scientific research or sustainable heritage will proceed with little or no influence from any political climate. As I wish you a splendid post-Budapest time for absorbing all you have experienced, and an exciting pre-Belfast time for preparation, I meanwhile express my hope that the 29th EAA Annual meeting will also be a wonderful event. In order to fulfil this wish we need you, dear members, each and every one of you and your cooperation and participation!