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Scientific Sessions


Payment update

Registration for the 31s EAA Annual Meeting is now open.


  • The final deadline for session organisers to pay conference registration and EAA membership fees is 10 February.
  • The EAA membership fee can be paid now or anytime before10 February, either with registration or separately.

Hybrid format

All sessions will be hybrid, with onsite and online participation via a web platform integrated with Zoom. Detailed instructions for online participation will be shared closer to the event.

Contribution submissions to sessions

To view contributions submitted to the session, please log in at and look under session data (feature available for main session organisers).

Session Overview

General info

  • Session definition and function within the conference: EAA sessions are conference panels concenrated around a specific archaeological topic. EAA Annual Meetings usually have between 200- 350 paralel sessions, and 2000 - 4500 papers / oral presentations within them. Both sessions and papers are evaluated by the Scientific Committee; papers are also evaluated by session organisers. The Call for Session opens in mid September and conitunes until the end of October. Next, the session proposals are evaluated and those which are accepted and paid for are opened for submissions in the Call for Papers where EAA members can submit their paper proposals to specific sessions. 
  • Session structure: Sessions are organised in 2-hour blocks, with up to 7 oral presentations per block (each presentation lasting 15 minutes). One session should have min. one 2-hour timeslot and max. four 2-hour timeslots depending on the number of papers presented within it.
  • Session proposal submission: Sessions can be proposed only through the EAA 2025 submissions portal. The person submitting the proposal is considered the main sesssion organiser and contact person for the session.
  • Call for Contributions: Once sessions have been evaluated, accepted and the payments settled (please see the information under Session Organiser Payment Requirements in the box on the right), the Call for Contributions opens where delegates can submit contribution proposals to specific sessions. The EAA 2025 Call for Contributions will open on 20 December 2024.
  • Session evaluation and results: Session proposals are evaluated by the Scientific Committee (nominated anew for each conference), who ensure both academic quality and inclusivity. Results for EAA 2025 session proposals will be published in the first half of December 2024.
  • Min. number of papers: Sessions must receive a minimum number of papers to proceed (regular and pre-circulated formats: at least 6 papers; keynote sessions: 5 papers; discussion sessions: 3 papers; session with 6 slides in 6 minutes: 10 papers).If the minimum is not met, sessions may be merged with others on similar topics or cancelled. Contributions from cancelled sessions may be reassigned to other sessions based on decisions by the Scientific Committee and session organisers. Session organisers will be informed if their session does not meet the required paper limit after the Call for Contributions closes (please refer to deadlines). This limit does not apply to workshop and round table sessions. Session schedules will be revied by the Belgrade Scientific Committee in March 2025 who can
  • Session schedules: Session schedules are created after papers have undergone the first stage of reviews (by session organisers). The process of arranging session schedules is managed by the main session organisers through the submissions portal. Detailed guidelines on organising and arranging oral presentations (papers) within the session will be provided to session organisers in February 2025. Organisers are kindly asked to review and follow these guidelines thoroughly. The Belgrade Scientific Committee will review the session schedules in March-April 2025 and may request minor adjustments if necessary.

Session Formats

  • Regular Sessions: Include 15-minute presentations, discussions, and introductory/closing comments, with a minimum of six presentations. Organisers can invite submissions, but sessions are open to all EAA Members and all contributions must be submitted through the EAA submissions portal.
  • Keynote Sessions: Can feature up to three invited keynote presentations (one per 2-hour timeslot) followed by 15-minute regular presentations and discussions. Keynote speaker names can be added by the main session organiser through the EAA submissions portal at the time of submitting the session proposal or later (before the end of February 2025). Session organisers are also encouraged to advertise the session and invite regular submissions (i.e., not keynote), but sessions are open to all EAA Members and all regular contributions must be submitted through the EAA submissions portal.
  • 6 Slides in 6 Minutes Sessions: Designed to offer a quick overview of case studies. They include 6-minute presentations, discussions, and introductory/closing comments, with a minimum of 10 presentations. Session organisers are encouraged to advertise the session and invite submissions, but sessions are open to all EAA Members and all contributions must be submitted through the EAA submissions portal.
  • Pre-circulated Paper Sessions: Similar to regular sessions but allow for more focused discussions based on materials shared between participants prior to the conference. Session organisers are encouraged to advertise the session and invite submissions, but sessions are open to all EAA Members and all contributions must be submitted through the EAA submissions portal.
  • Discussion Sessions: These sessions are designed to facilitate in-depth discussions on topics that warrant extended exploration and participant interaction. They typically include 15-minute presentations, discussions, and opening and closing remarks, but they should allocate more time to discussion than regular sessions. Session organisers are encouraged to advertise the session and invite submissions, but sessions are open to all EAA Members and all contributions must be submitted through the EAA submissions portal. The minimum number of oral presentations is three.
  • Round Tables: Interactive discussions with limited presentations, seating 30 participants, and focused on specific themes. No contributions are submitted to roundtable sessions through the EAA submissions portal; instead, speakers should be invited by the organisers. The maximum number of invited speakers per roundtable session is 10. Invited speaker names can be added by the main session organiser through the EAA submissions portal at the time of submitting the session proposal or later (before the end of February 2025).
  • Workshops: 2-hour interactive sessions for data consultation, software demonstration, etc. No contributions are submitted to workshops through the EAA submissions portal; instead, speakers should be invited by the organisers. The maximum number of invited speakers per workshop is 10. Invited speaker names can be added by the main session organiser through the EAA submissions portal at the time of submitting the session proposal or later (before the end of February 2025).
  • Other Sessions: Innovative session formats/meetings can be accommodated on request. If you wish to submit a session in this format, please contact us at first to discuss possible session format modifications.

Keynote speakers, invited speakers and discussants

These are special categories of speakers with distinct roles within a session. They do not submit proposals through the EAA 2025 submissions portal and can only be invited by session organisers.

Only the main organiser of a session can add invited speakers, keynote speakers, or discussants through the EAA 2025 submissions portal. These speakers do not need to submit paper proposals via the portal. If they are contributing a presentation to the session in which they serve as a keynote speaker, it will be included in the session schedule during the preparation phase in February/March 2025.

  • Keynote Speakers: Can only be added to sessions with the format "session with a keynote presentation." A maximum of 3 keynote speakers is allowed per session.
  • Invited Speakers: Can only be added to sessions with the formats "round table," "workshop," or "other." A maximum of 10 invited speakers is allowed per session.
  • Discussants: Can be added to all other session formats. A maximum of 1 discussant is allowed per session.

These three types of speakers do not need to be EAA Members to be added to a session but must pay the EAA membership fee and conference registration fee by 28 May to be able to attend the conference.

IMPORTANT: The one paper (oral presentation) per person limitation does not apply to keynote speakers, invited speakers and discussants. However, please note that while we will do our best to avoid scheduling conflicts between sessions that involve these three types of speakers and other sessions in which they might be participating, due to the complexity of the programme, we cannot guarantee this in every case. We kindly ask organisers to consider this when selecting keynote speakers, invited speakers or discussants for their sessions.

Conference Registration

Conference registration for the 31st EAA Annual Meeting in Belgrade is now open. The payment deadline for all session organisers to pay conference registration and EAA membership fees is 10 February.

Register now

Guidelines for Session Organisers

The EAA 2025 Call for Sessions was open between 17 September and 4 November 2024 23:59 CET (extended deadline).

Session organiser requirements:

  • You must be an EAA Member to submit a session (you need to have an EAA ID, but EAA 2025 membership payment is not necessary to submit a session; to find your EAA ID, please log into your EAA profile at
  • One person may submit max. one session as main organiser.
  • The person who submits the proposal through the EAA 2025 submissions portal is considered the main organiser and contact person for the session. Please note that this role is not easily transferable, so please consider carefully the appropriate individual for this responsibility.
  • One person can be involved as organiser in max. two sessions in total
  • Each session must have min. 2 and max. 5* session organisers. Organisers must represent at least two different countries (based on where they reside / where their main institution is based). 

Session organiser payment requirements:

  • All accepted sessions will open for contribution submissions on 20 December (launch of the Call for Contributions)
  • The deadline for all session organisers to complete EAA membership and conference registration payments is 10 February.
  • Please note that sessions will be cancelled if at least two organisers from different countries have not completed their payment by the final deadline, even if contributions have already been submitted to the session during the Call for Contributions.
* Please note that according to our policy, the maximum limit of 5 organisers also applies to sessions that may be merged after the session evaluation stage. We kindly ask organisers to consider this when submitting a session proposal.

Session Submission & Format

The guidelines specified below should be followed when completing the EAA 2025 submissions form. 

  • Session proposals are submitted to Annual Meeting themes (please see the descriptions here).
  • When submitting a session, please choose the appropriate format (see format descriptions on the left).
  • Session abstract: max. 300 words
  • Session title: max. 20 words
  • Session organiser affiliations should be limited to max. 1000 characters, using only the main name of the institution or company (e.g., University of Helsinki). Please do not include titles, positions, addresses, or country names (affiliations you provide through the EAA 2025 submissions portal will only be used in the conference Abstract and Programme Book and must therefore be kept as concise as possible).
  • Please always include EAA IDs for your co-organisers if they are EAA Members.

The EAA may restrict expression that violates the law, that defames a specific individual or group of individuals, that constitutes a genuine threat or harassment, that unjustifiably invades substantial privacy or confidentiality interests, or that violates the EAA Code of Conduct and Principles.

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