General information
The EAA is grateful to the Oscar Montelius Foundation (OMF) for their generous financial support. This enables the EAA to award a number of grants to its Members to assist with the costs incurred during their attendance of the 31st EAA Annual Meeting in Belgrade.
Competitive grants are available for EAA Members to attend the Annual Meeting in person and will normally amount to €450.
Eligibility and selection criteria
- Only applications completed in English via the designated submission form will be considered.
- Applicants must be current (2025) EAA Members by the grant application deadline.
- Applicants must register for the 2025 Annual Meeting and pay the registration fee by 5 May 2025. Grants allocated to applicants who fail to register by this deadline will be re-allocated to those on the waiting list.
- Applicants must not have received an EAA grant to attend the Annual Meeting in the last three years.
- Applicants must confirm that they have not received, nor are eligible to receive, any other grant funding towards their participation at the Annual Meeting.
- Applicants must attend the Annual Meeting onsite and in person.
- Applicants must be a session organiser, the main author of a contribution or a confirmed discussant (co-authors of contributions are not eligible to apply for a grant). Priority will normally be given to session organisers.
- No more than one session organiser per session will receive a grant. A maximum of two grants may be awarded per session (e.g. a session organiser and a main author of a paper). Priority will normally be given to funding at least one presentation at sessions where no funding has been allocated to a session organiser.
- Applicants are required to submit a short motivation statement in support of their application [1000 characters]. This statement will be assessed when adjudicating applications since the funding available is insufficient to cover all eligible applications selected along criteria 1 – 8 above, e.g. in situations where several grant applications are received for a single session, either from session organisers or main authors of contributions / confirmed discussants, or funding of sessions must be compared
- In specific cases (e.g. invited speakers), grants may also be available beyond the above criteria. Such applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Grant payments
After completing onsite registration at the registration desk at the Annual Meeting venue, successful applicants must confirm acceptance of the grant, in person, at the EAA desk between Thursday 4 September 12:00 noon and Saturday 6 September 12:00 noon local time.
Successful applicants will:
- provide proof of registration for the Annual Meeting (e.g. badge)
- need to confirm bank transfer details
- sign the grant acceptance form onsite
- the receipts must be submitted exclusively by way of scanned copies emailed to at any time before 30 September 2025
- should a successful applicant become unable to attend the Annual Meeting in person, they must promptly inform the EAA Secretariat at Successful applicants who do not attend the Annual Meeting in person are not eligible to payment of the grant
Payments of grants cannot be made before or during the Annual Meeting, but will be made by bank transfer by 24 October 2025.
The EAA, on behalf of the OMF, reserves the right to withdraw any grant that is not claimed, in person, at the Annual Meeting. Any monies from grants withdrawn in this way will be reallocated towards future Annual Meetings.