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Scientific Programme

EAA 2024 Scientific Programme

The preliminary version of the EAA 2024 scientific programme is now available for download below.

Important information:

  • The days and times of the sessions are finalised and will not be subject to any further changes.
  • The preliminary programme does not list specific papers (oral presentations). To find out when your paper is scheduled, please locate the session in which you are presenting in the list of accepted papers below.
  • Please note that the list of accepted oral presentations for EAA 2024 includes only those papers whose authors have completed the necessary payments. This list is final, no additional papers can be added.
  • A more detailed version of the programme, which will include the order of papers within sessions and the designated rooms, is expected to be published in July.
  • Posters are not included in the preliminary programme or the list of accepted papers as they are not presented within sessions. For the list of accepted posters, please go to EAA 2024 Posters: Evaluation results below.

EAA 2024 preliminary programme (sessions only)

EAA 2024 list of accepted papers and corresponding sessions  

EAA 2024 Posters

Important information

  • Evaluation results are available to all first authors of poster abstracts by logging into their submissions accounts at
  • The full list of posters accepted for inclustion at the 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome can also be dowloaded here.
  • The payment deadline for first authors of posters is May 31. Please ensure that we receive your payment for the EAA 2024 membership and EAA 2024 conferenece registration by this date; otherwise, your poster will be rejected from inclusion at EAA 2024. Both payments can be made at EAA 2024 | Registration.
  • Poster at EAA 2024 will be accessible as e-posters via e-poster boards at the main venue and the EAA mobile app and web platform. They will not be presented within sessions or receive formal presentation slots.
  • If you have settled the required fees, please proceed with preparing and submitting the e-poster version of your contribution, which should be completed by 15 July the latest.

E-poster preparation

  • Format: PDF, single page.
  • TIP: You can create the poster it in PowerPoint and save it as PDF; if you need a template, you can use one of those available here (the template demonstrates how to create the poster using PowerPoint, but we suggest readjusting page size to comply with the 1080 pixel width x 1920 pixel height resolution)
  • Optimal aspect ratio*: Vertical, 16:9.
  • Optimal resolution*: 1080 pixels width x 1920 pixels height
  • Fonts*: Sans-serif (e.g., Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Lucida), 12-point size or larger.
  • File Size: Maximum 10 MB.
  • File Naming: Use your poster ID and family name, separated by _ (e.g., 495_Karabas). Avoid special characters (e.g., #, ?, !).

* Recommended for best image quality and readability.

E-poster submission

  1. Log into your EAA 2024 submissions account at
  2. Click on the yellow ‘Submit Full Paper’ button.
  3. Upload the PDF file of your e-poster. If you have two accepted contributions (poster and paper), please ensure that you upload the poster under the correct ID and title.
  4. Submission deadline: July 15.

Results of Paper Evaluation

We are pleased to announce that we are in the final stages of the evaluation process for paper proposals for the 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome. Notification emails regarding evaluation results were sent to all main authors of submitted abstracts on March 25 and 26. Below please find the list of accepted abstracts in Excel format (latest version published 4 April).

List of accepted abstracts (version 04.04.2024, pdf format)    

Registration and Onsite/Online Attendance

Main (first) authors are required to pay the 2024 EAA membership fee and conference registration fee by 25 April. Payment can be made at EAA 2024 Registration. For more details on fees and registration, please visit Registration Policy. Please note that failure to settle the fees will result in removal from the academic programme.

All sessions of EAA 2024 are planned as hybrid, providing the flexibility for delegates to opt for either onsite or online attendance. When completing your registration form at EAA 2024 Registration, kindly indicate your preferred attendance mode. Please note that the registration fee is the same for both options.

Call for Posters

The Call for Posters is closed on 8 April. Poster abstract authors can expect to receive email notifications regarding evaluation results by 6 May. Results notifications will also be available to abstract authors by logging into their submissions accounts at

For EAA 2024 Rome, there's a new process for proposing papers (oral presentations) and poster abstracts. This change addresses the request from EAA Members, as indicated in the 2023 annual evaluation survey, to allow presenting two contributions as the main (first) author. Consequently, authors can now present one paper (oral presentation) and one poster as the first author, each submitted separately. Below are further changes related to separate paper and poster submissions:

  • submitting identical content for paper and poster is not permitted
  • posters are now submitted to Annual Meeting themes and are not presented within sessions
  • posters will not receive formal presentation slots but will be accessible as e-posters via the EAA mobile app and web-platform as well as through e-poster boards located at the main venue
  • it will be possible to provide feedback to poster authors via mobile app / web-platform chat and email
  • Call for Posters will end after the results of paper (oral presentation) evaluation are announnced (to allow paper proposals which did not meet session requirements to be resubmitted as posters)
  • deadlines for paper and poster submissions will differ slightly

Session Overview

Session Evaluation Results

The Scientific Committee for Rome has now completed the first stage of session evaluation process. Evaluation results were sent to session organisers on 7 and 8 December. The results were announced with a few days of delay due to the unprecedented number of session proposals (the 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome has received a record-breaking number of 535 session submissions). We apologise for any difficulties the delay may have caused.

Given the exceptional number of proposed sessions and for the sake of a tenable academic programme, the Scientific Committee has reached the very difficult decision of rejecting an increased number of sessions as well as asking a high number of sessions on overlapping topics to merge. Since some of the sessions earmarked for merging are still undergoing changes at this moment, an up-to-date list of accepted sessions will be published when the Call for Papers opens on 18 December.

Please note that at least two co-organisers from two different countries / organisations must pay their 2024 EAA membership fee and Annual Meeting registration fee in order to have the session open for Call for papers on 18 December 2023.

Please refer to detailed Guidelines for session organisers here.

Please see the following EAA Executive Board Statement for more background information on session evaluation for the 30th Annual Meeting and the decisions made by the Executive Board.


13 December 2023

The EAA appreciates the interest of its Members in the Annual Meetings, expressed in the large number of sessions submitted year after year. As EAA Members, we all value the wide range of topics offered in the academic programme of EAA Annual Meetings. Nevertheless, the high number of parallel sessions, thematic overlaps and the intense daily programme has led to complaints which have been expressed in the 2023 annual evaluation survey, to be published in TEA issue 79, winter 2024. The 30th EAA Annual Meeting in Rome has since received a record-breaking number of 535 session submissions; the previous highest number was 278 submitted sessions for the Belfast Annual Meeting in 2023. Adding to Member’s existing feedback, this unprecedented number of session proposals presents serious challenges for assembling a workable conference programme given the available software and local infrastructure that is currently at the EAA’s disposal. The ultimate limitation with regard to the volume of sessions that can be accepted is the number of lecture rooms available – currently, our local hosts are looking at 60+ lecture rooms.

Therefore, in view of the exceptional number of proposed sessions for 2024 and for the sake of a tenable academic programme, the Scientific Committee for Rome has reached the very difficult decision of rejecting an increased number of sessions as well as earmarking a higher number of sessions for merging. Recognising that this is difficult and uncomfortable for both the session organisers concerned and the Scientific Committee, we wish to offer some insight into our approach towards our common goal of putting on a good conference.

In evaluating sessions, the Scientific Committee must above all strive for high scientific value and avoid thematic overlaps. Rejected sessions topics may be better suited as individual presentations. In this regard, it is worth anticipating that it will be possible to present both an oral and a poster presentation at the Rome 2024 AM. This is a direct response to requests by respondents in the 2023 annual evaluation survey.

We believe that there is both potential academic value as well as networking opportunities in merging thematically similar sessions. But this does mean that session co-organisers must agree among themselves how to reduce the number of session co-organisers to a maximum of five (any further co-organisers may be acknowledged in the session abstract).

The Executive Board, TEA and social media editors and EAA staff thoroughly discussed the alternative of increasing the number of co-organisers in merged sessions, but concluded this policy change would be contrary to existing standards, e.g. with view to accepted sessions with five co-organisers who had wished to add more co-organisers. Additionally, and critically, having more than five co-organisers would make the timetabling of the academic programme virtually impossible due to scheduling conflicts. The more session co-organisers there are, the lower the chance there is to avoid scheduling overlaps with participants’ other commitments (participation in another session and/or oral presentation). Technically speaking, the implementation of the required software modification was also likely to mean delays in opening the call for contributions. The majority of Executive Board members voted in favour of keeping the existing rules.

The EAA Annual Meetings have grown larger thanks to our Members’ engagement, and we now need these same Members to help us jointly make the EAA Annual Meetings sustainable. We ask for your understanding and cooperation with the principles outlined above in order to have an enjoyable Annual Meeting in Rome. We are committed to exploring alternatives for future Annual Meeting, and will welcome your views and suggestions in the 2024 annual evaluation survey or at any time at

Call for Posters

The Call for Posters was open from 18 December to 8 April.

One person may submit max. ONE POSTER as the first author.

Poster proposals are submitted to Annual Meeting themes (please see the descriptions here).

Results of poster proposal evaluation will be announced by 6 May via email and poster authors' submissions accounts at

Please note that all first authors of posters must pay the 2024 EAA membership and conference registration fees by 31 May2024

Session filming

The EAA has undertaken to record a limited number of sessions to be made available online at Individual presenters can opt out from being recorded; they can also edit their recorded presentation at any time before its release.

The EAA may restrict expression that violates the law, that defames a specific individual or group of individuals, that constitutes a genuine threat or harassment, that unjustifiably invades substantial privacy or confidentiality interests, or that violates the EAA Code of Conduct and Principles.

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