EAA Safe Space Policy for Belfast
Updated on 13 February 2023
The EAA supports the rights and freedoms of its Members. We are committed to ensuring that everyone, especially our LGBTQIA+ Members, feel supported in attending our forthcoming conference in Belfast.
We expect all participants to respect the personal boundaries of others, whether they be physical, emotional or cultural. The EAA believes that people from different backgrounds bring ideas, creative thinking and wide-ranging approaches to those topics and subjects that we engage in; this dynamic makes our Annual Meetings both innovative and effective.
We support the right of all our Members to be able to express their viewpoints without undue interruption. Constructive criticism and dissent are welcome, but should be focused on the topic, not the person. Any participant must consider the effect their own words and actions may have on others.
The EAA will not tolerate inappropriate, intimidating or offensive behaviour, whether verbal, written or physical, including harassment or unwarranted and unwelcome attention in any form. Failure to abide by this policy will result in appropriate action being taken by the EAA or the Annual Meeting organisers. If necessary, local authorities will be informed.
You can read more about Equality Legislation in Northern Ireland here: https://www.qub.ac.uk/directorates/HumanResources/diversity-and-inclusion/equality-legislation/#gender-including-transgender-989253-4
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated within the EAA. Examples of sexual harassment include: victim is leered at; lewd suggestive remarks aimed at the victim; sexist remarks and jokes aimed at the victim; pornographic material shown or sent by social media; stalking; unwelcome physical, sexual and conversational advances.
Sexual harassment is a pernicious form of behaviour that oversteps the personal boundaries of others and seeks to debase a person on the basis of gender. It is always one sided and it is undesired by the person concerned. It is demeaning and offensive, it undermines self-confidence and it generates fear and uncertainty in its victim. Sexual harassment has nothing to do with sexual attraction and it can develop in a subtle way, but it is motivated by a wish to dominate and control the victim. It can originate from an individual or a group. Sexual harassment can occur verbally, in gestures or in actions.
EAA Safe Space Policy within the conference venues
Queen's University Belfast is committed to providing a safe campus for everyone. Within the conference venues, delegates are encouraged to report any incident that threatens their physical or psychological safety to the members of the EAA’s newly formed Appeal and Anti-Harassment Committee either in person or by email: antiharassment@e-a-a.org. The EAA desk, which will be at a single designated physical location in the conference venue for the duration of the Meeting, will also be available for help and support.
Queen’s University Belfast Security Service provides a 24-hour security presence across the campus. The Security Service is committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all persons working, studying, and visiting the University campus. In the case of an emergency, where there is an imminent and serious danger to people or property, the appropriate emergency services (Fire, Ambulance, Police) should be called by dialling 999. To contact the Queen’s Security Control Room you can dial +44 28 9097 5098/5099 or email security@qub.ac.uk
You will find some useful tips for keeping safe on campus in the Queen’s University Belfast Personal Safety Pocket Guide: https://www.qub.ac.uk/directorates/sgc/wellbeing/InformationforStudents/StudentConcerns/SafeandHealthyRelationships/SupportandHelplines/Filetoupload,863980,en.pdf
EAA Safe Space Policy in the city
Outside the conference venues, it is more difficult for the EAA to directly support delegates. It is always wise to be sensible and follow good advice when exploring a new destination. As with all travel, follow general safety tips including leaving money and valuables in a safe place and locking valuables out of sight. https://www.travelsafe-abroad.com/united-kingdom/belfast/
Emergency case scenarios
Health and Medical Emergencies
Some visitors to Northern Ireland can receive treatment for accidents and emergencies free of charge. The page below contains information on getting medical treatment at hospital emergency departments. It also features information on how to contact a doctor (general practitioner or GP), pharmacist and dentist. If you are travelling from the European Union you should ensure you have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) so you can avail yourself of free medical care. You can also find further information and details for other countries at the site. https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/health-and-medical-emergencies-services-visitors-northern-ireland
If you are the victim of a crime or a witness to a crime you should contact the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) whose page you can access below. In a non-emergency situation where you need assistance or advice you can contact them online or by ringing 101. In an emergency where you need immediate assistance or feel threatened, you should call 999. If you have been a witness to a crime and wish to remain anonymous, please contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. https://www.psni.police.uk/
In the very unlikely event that you are a victim of a Hate Crime in Belfast you can find out what to do, and how to get support, here: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/hate-crime