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Scientific Programme

Programme Book

You can now download EAA 2019 Programme Book, this pdf version was last updated on 2 September. Please note that in order to reduce environmental impact of EAA Annual Meetings, the printed version of Programme Book will be given just to participants who has ordered it via the registration form prior to the AM.

Abstract Book and Index of Authors - update

You can now download EAA 2019 Abstract Book, this pdf version was last updated on 22 August. Please note  that in order to reduce environmental impact of EAA Annual Meetings, only pdf (not printed) version is produced this year.

Abstract Book - 2 September
(Adobe PDF File)
Abstract Book - 22 August
(Adobe PDF File)
Index of Authors - 22 August
(Adobe PDF File)

Detailed version of the scientific programme

is now available. The Programme Book will be possible to download in following days.

Preliminary version of the scientific programme

is now available - please note however that it may still be subject to minor changes. Lecture room allocation will be announced in the final programme.
Preliminary programme (Adobe PDF File) - published 16 May 2019

Search sessions accepted by the Scientific Committee below

In some cases formal requirements have not yet been met by session organisers (i.e. payments of either EAA membership fee and/or conference registration fee), so these sessions are not available for submission of contributions yet and therefore are greyed out in the list of sessions - please check later for the availability of the session.
The list is updated regularly, the final list of sessions will be announced on 1 February.
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Important numbers

One person may submit and present two contributions as a main (first - presenting) author. The maximum number of authors is 10, incl. the main author. The title may have max. 20 words and abstract min. 150 words and max. 300 words. Minimum number of keywords is three, maximum six.
The deadline for submitting or modifying an abstract is  EXTENDED to 18 February, 23:59 CET.

For session organisers

Main session organiser can see contributions submitted to the session when logged in at (at the bottom of the page). You can download pdfs and consider the proposals with your co-organisers, however the evaluation itself will be done via review module which EAA secretariat will open after Call for papers ends. We will send more information by email before end January.


Presenters (first = main = presenting author) need to settle both membership (2019) and conference registration fees at before extended deadline 30 April 2019.

Deadline for early bird membership fee is 31 March, deadline for early bird conference registration fee is 8 April.

Co-authors need to pay membership and conference registration just in case they attend the Annual Meeting in person.

Notes for speakers and checklist for poster presentations are available here.

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