Local Organisers have agreed with some public museums in and outside Bern that any participant of the Annual Meeting will have free* or reduced** access upon presentation of the Annual Meeting badge from 3-9 September 2019. Check Free museums tab for details.
Abstract Book and Index of Authors are available under the tab Scientific Programme.
Detailed version of the Scientific Programme is available under the tab
Scientific Programme.
Students can submit their conference paper for the EAA Student Award and win 1000 EUR in books, check For Students tab for more information. Deadline: 8 August.
Poster presentations: poster size is DIN A0 vertical: 1189 mm high x 841mm wide; only portrait (vertical) orientation allowed. In order to enhance the impact of your poster, we offer the possibility to have its pdf version downloadable from the Annual Meeting mobile app. If you are interested, please send the pdf of your poster, not exceeding 10 MB in size, before 9 August to
Search in sessions accepted by the Scientific Committee under the tab Scientific Programme.
Registration for the 25th EAA Annual Meeting is now
open. Please note that eventually all participants of the Annual Meeting have to be current (2019) EAA members and pay conference registration fee. Check
registration policy for more details.
If you need any assistance, please contact EAA Secretariat at