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Safer Space Policy

EAA Safer Space Policy

The EAA is committed to ensure that all participants of our Annual Meetings experience a safe, secure and hospitable environment, regardless of age, gender, sexual identity, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, religion or belief. EAA will not tolerate direct or indirect discrimination against any person on grounds of any of the above.

We expect all participants to respect the personal boundaries of others, whether they be physical, emotional or cultural. The EAA believes that people from different backgrounds bring ideas, creative thinking and wide-ranging approaches to those topics and subjects that we engage in; this dynamic makes our Annual Meetings both innovative and effective.

We support the right of all our members to be able to express their viewpoints without undue interruption. Constructive criticism and dissent are welcome, but should be focused on the topic, not the person. Any participant must consider the effect her/his own words and actions may have on others.

The EAA will not tolerate inappropriate, intimidating or offensive behaviour, whether verbal, written or physical, including harassment or unwarranted and unwelcome attention in any form. Failure to abide by this policy will result in appropriate action being taken by the EAA or the Annual Meeting organisers. If necessary, local authorities will be informed.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of any kind will not be tolerated within EAA.

Sexual harassment is a pernicious form of behaviour that oversteps the personal boundaries of others and seeks to debase a person on the basis of gender. It is always one sided and it is undesired by the person concerned. It is demeaning and offensive, it undermines the self-confidence and it generates fear and uncertainty in its victim. Sexual harassment has nothing to do with sexual attraction and it can develop in a subtle way, but it is motivated by a wish to dominate and control the victim. It can originate from an individual or a group*. Sexual harassment can occur verbally, in gestures or in actions.

EAA Response

Any behaviour during the EAA Annual Meeting that contravenes this policy and that has affected any person or that any participant has witnessed should be reported immediately to the EAA Executive Board representatives Cate Frieman or Alessandro Vanzetti, either in person, by email to:, or by leaving a note with contact details at the EAA desk.

Any person that has received a previous conviction for harassment of a sexual or other nature will not be allowed to attend the EAA Annual Meeting, and will be formally asked to leave an Annual Meeting if this information is notified to the EAA Executive Board during an Annual Meeting. Any reports received before or during an Annual Meeting will be handled by the EAA Board and the Annual Meeting organisers with the utmost urgency and in strict confidentiality.

* Examples of sexual harassment (ref.
Victim is leered at; lewd suggestive remarks aimed at the victim; sexist remarks and jokes aimed at the victim; pornographic material shown or sent by social media; stalking can occur; unwelcome physical, sexual and conversational advances.

Who to Contact and How?

Executive Board representatives:
Cate Frieman or Alessandro Vanzetti

  • in person
  • by email to
  • by leaving a note with contact details at the EAA desk