After six years of editing this newsletter, we welcome passing over the baton to Samantha Reiter (National Museum of Denmark) and Matthew Walsh (University of Oslo), who will act as TEA editors for their first term from 2021-2024.
Sam and Matt have collectively spent two and a half decades doing archaeology in diverse places around the globe, from all over Europe and the American West to the Russian Far East and from Patagonia to the Arctic. Topically, they have worked with European Bronze Age, pre-Roman Iron Age, Roman, Medieval, and Historical archaeology, as well as within ethnological and ethnoarchaeological contexts. Sam has been with the National Museum of Denmark since 2017 after a post-doc at the Romano-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Matt has recently filled a position at the National Museum as well after post-doc stints in Aarhus and Oslo, as well as with the museum. Both of the new editors are thrilled to be taking on the co-editorship mantle of TEA, and look forward to engaging with and working for the EAA community.
Looking back over the past six years, we are grateful for the what editing TEA has given and taught us: insights into how the EAA works as an institution, information on recent developments in archaeological research and heritage, and above all, a great network of colleagues and friends.
The role of TEA has changed during this time period, not least because of the rise of social media to quickly and efficiently disseminate information. EAA has reacted to the modernisation of dissemination by appointing Win Scutt as its first Social Media Editor on June 2020. Meanwhile, you can find EAA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, with ever-growing numbers of followers. However, due to its volatile, fleeting nature, social media cannot completely replace the TEA newsletter. TEA remains an important archive of the European Association of Archaeologists’ internal and organisational activities as well as its statements.
TEA – as a newsletter by members for members – can be freely utilized by any member to distribute information useful to other EAA members. This may include announcements of new projects, call for papers for conferences, bits of research that do not quite fit as formal journal articles, or comments on issues you would like to debate.
This issue includes the Urgent Call for a holistic protection of the integrity, authenticity, and diversity of the rich multicultural heritage in and around the area of Nagorno-Karabakh, a joint statement by Europa Nostra and the European Association of Archaeologists and the announcement of Isto Huvila’s new project ’Documenting archaeological work processes for enabling future reuse of data’, information on the Karen Elizabeth Waugh Foundation as well as conference announcements and special offers from book publishers for EAA members.
Now, we are looking forward to the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists with the motto ‘Widening Horizons’ at Kiel, from 6-11 September 2021. It is the second meeting to be held in the virtual space due to the ongoing pandemic. Let us hope we can all meet in person again next year.
The TEA autumn/fall issue has a deadline of 15 October 2021. As usual, please send all items you wish to see published in the newsletter to We are sure that Sam & Matt are looking forward to hearing from you.
Roderick B. Salisbury and Katharina Rebay-Salisbury (with Samantha Reiter and Matthew Walsh)