TEA is the newsletter of EAA members for EAA members.
TEA is happy to publish reports on excavations and teaching, current research projects and public archaeology, exhibitions and conferences, as well as opinions about the current state of archaeology and heritage, opinions on the EAA, and comments on previous
TEA content. All manuscripts submitted to
TEA should have the name of the author(s) plus at least one e-mail address plus at least one affiliation of the author(s). Formats published also include summaries of sessions from the EAA Annual Meetings, notes, announcements, letters, requests, and regional updates. Reports should range between 2,000-3,000 words and may contain ca. 5 images. Other formats should be shorter. As a newsletter,
TEA should not be used to publish original research or content appropriate for peer-review publication.
Categories of Submissions: In general,
TEA includes the following sections:
- EAA Matters – generally supplied by the Executive Board and Secretariat, but submission by members is possible
- EAA Communities (previously named Working Parties) and Committees
- Debate (around 2000–3000 words) – may include comments on previous TEA content, specific statements and proposals arising from EAA sessions, or opinions about the current state of the EAA, archaeology, heritage, publishing, or other relevant matters
- EAA Annual Meeting Session Reports (1000–1500 words)
- Conference and Workshop Reports (1000–1500 words)
- Announcements – upcoming conferences, workshops, symposia, museum exhibits, etc.
- Research Reports (2000–3000 words) – may contain ca. 5 images, a short bibliography, list of participants, funding agencies, etc.
- From Our Correspondents (2000–10,000 words) – may contain photos, museum updates or other news for one specific region. Generally supplied by our Regional Correspondents – please volunteer for your region!
- Death Notices and Obituaries
Manuscript Submission: Authors are required to submit their manuscripts and correspondence by email to the TEA editor (
tea@e-a-a.org). Please submit your manuscript as a Word document with no special formatting or personal styles. Each figure should be a separate file in .tif, .tiff, .jpg, or .eps format. Tables either all in one .doc or .xls file, or in separate .doc or .xls files.
We prefer to receive submissions in English, which is the official working language of the EAA. We will consider submissions in other European languages (French, German, Italian, and Spanish) where submitting in English is not possible, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the text and will not translate or edit for language.
References: should be minimized as much as possible. Please do not use footnotes or endnotes. When used, references should follow the Author-Date convention (
http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-2.html). References in the text should include author’s name and year in brackets (parentheses). If no immediate author or editor is listed, use some conventional shortening of the title of the work; note that this should correspond to the bibliographic entry at the end of the paper; e.g. (Childe 1954: 117) or (Radiocarbon Handbook 1988: iv). Multiple references by the same author should be separated with a comma, e.g. (Nadelkopf 1888, 1893) and dates should be separated from pages with a full colon (e.g. Tête d’épingle 1901: 22). Multiple references by different authors should be listed alphabetically in the text, not chronologically, and should be separated by semi-colons (e.g. Bright 2005; Fellows 2006; Soloman 1996). References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper with book or journal titles italicized or underlined, including place of publication and publisher, issue and page numbers.
- Fisher, G., 1988. Sociopolitical organization in early Anglo-Saxon England. In M. Littlechick (ed.), England in the Old Days: 128-144. Oxford: British Archaeological Publications (British Series 329).
- Silver, M., 1985. Economic Structure of the Ancient Near East. London/Sydney: Croom Helm.
- Trotter, M. and G.C. Gleser, 1952. Estimation of stature from long bones of American Whites and Negroes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 10: 463-514.
- Williams, J. (ed.), 1997. Money: A History. London: British Museum Press.
Attribution: AUTHORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING PERMISSIONS FROM COPYRIGHT HOLDERS for reproducing through any medium of communication any illustrations, images, photographs, maps, tables, figures, or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.
Illustrations: all line diagrams and photographs are termed ‘Figures’ and should be referred to as such in the manuscript. They should be numbered consecutively. Line diagrams should be presented in a form suitable for immediate reproduction (i.e. not requiring redrawing) as TIFF or EPS files (all fonts embedded) with a resolution of 600dpi. They should be reproducible within a maximum final printed text area of 115 mm x 185 mm. Photographs should be submitted as TIFF (preferred), JPEG, or EPS files. Both color and black & white images are accepted. All figures must include short descriptive captions. Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions from copyright holders for all photographs or images used. The figure caption must include a reference to the photographer or copyright holder.
Tables should be typed (double line-spaced) on separate sheets. All tables should have short descriptive captions with footnotes and their source(s) typed below the tables.
Style: Manuscripts should be formatted in Times New Roman 12 point font, with no embedded styles or special formatting. In writing, use a clear readable style, avoiding jargon. If technical terms or acronyms must be included, define them when first used. Capitalize sparingly. Capitalize magnetic directions only when part of a recognized name, such as South America, otherwise, e.g. northern England. Capitalize archaeological periods, such as Neolithic or Early Bronze Age, whether as noun or adjective. Chemical elements should be spelt out in textual passages, but given in their abbreviated form, e.g. Au, Pb, in statistical paragraphs, tables, and figures. Ratios should be presented thus: 1:10 or silver:gold.
Links: We are happy to include hyperlinks in the text.
Dates: give dates as date, month, year: e.g. 4 July 1776. Use 1960s (not sixties) without an apostrophe and spell out the number of centuries or millennia: e.g. fourth century AD or third millennium BC. Invert the order of date and AD when using specific numbers, e.g. AD 980. There are no commas in thousands of years old, but there are in tens of thousands of years old: e.g. 4500 BC and 12,000 BP. Uncalibrated radiocarbon years follow the international convention (mean value ± standard deviation BP, using the 5568-year half-life; always give the laboratory code number), Calibrated dates should be given as date ranges cal BC and cal AD, together with the probability level (1 sigma or 2 sigma); specify which calibration curve is being used.
Spellings: Please use UK spelling, but always use ‘-ize’ spellings as given in the Oxford English Dictionary (e.g. organize, recognize). Always spell out numbers when they stand as the first word in a sentence or if the number is less than 10 (numbers 10 and greater should use Arabic numerals); do not follow numbers spelled out with abbreviations. Numbers indicating time, weight, and measurements are to be in Arabic numerals when followed by abbreviations (e.g., 2 mm; 1 sec; 3 ml).
Copyright: Copyright of and responsibility for contents and images remains with the authors. Authors are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions to reproduce material to which they do not own copyright, for use in both print and electronic media, and for ensuring appropriate acknowledgements are included in their manuscript. TEA editors retain the right to reject publication or leave out any content for which there is no attribution.
Ethics and Malpractice: Please refer to the TEA Policy on Publication Ethics, which follows the COPE guidelines.
Katharina Rebay-Salisbury and Roderick B. Salisbury
TEA Editors
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