Social Media Editor Tender 2023
We have received 15 applications for the announced position of Social Media Editor. For the selection procedure a committee consisting of two members of the ExB, a representative of the Nomination Committee and EAA's Event and Data Manager have been chosen.
Received cover letters and CV were presented for the evaluation. The decision has been made based on several levels of selection:
- Anonymous individual selection of relevant candidates made by each member of the selection committee.
- Comparison of results based on the individual selections.
- Preparing shortlisted candidates (two male and two female) based on merits, gender and age equality.
- Demonstrating ability of candidates to handle critical and/or stressful situations.
The main focus in the selection was put on candidates' merits, background and experience as well as their ability to combine this assignment with their current research, teaching and other commitments and personal circumstances. In cases where the committee felt more or less equally merits we put priority on candidates' skills to reach linguistically different worlds represented in EAA social media.
Joana Valdez-Tullett has been offered the position, as she demonstrated a deep knowledge of SoMe-mechanisms, the EAA as organisation, and the necessary balances when communicating on behalf of and for EAA members as outlined in the EAA Communication Strategy. We look forward to working closely with Joana in the coming years.
We would also like to thank Win Scutt for a fantastic job, with numbers of EAA SoMe-interactions reaching a new level during the last three years.