EAA - ARWA Memorandum of Understanding
On 12 May 2023, the European Association of Archaeologists and The International Association for Archaeological Research in Western & Central Asia (ARWA), represented by their presidents, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organisations in order to foster collaboration.
ARWA is an Association for archaeologists and other related or interested individuals or bodies worldwide with an interest in the region of Western & Central Asia. ARWA is steered by a democratically elected Board, with a limited-time mandate, through a transparent process including all regularly affiliated members. The association publishes with Brepols a journal and a series of monographs, as well as an online newsletter. The association will propose a general and regular Congress, and a series of regional and transversal workshops at venues decided by its members and Executive Board.
ARWA aims
- to establish a worldwide link between scholars and professionals in archaeology
- to promote the archaeological discipline in all of its focus regions
- to promote the interests of the researchers and professionals
- to promote friendship and peaceful cooperation among archaeologists
- to promote proper ethical and scientific standards for archaeological research
- to work for the protection of archaeological and cultural heritage in its focus regions, including the prevention of associated illegal activities
- to promote archaeology to the public, and to raise awareness of archaeology and cultural heritage
- to promote interest in archaeological remains as evidence of the human past and to discourage a focus on any commercial value that may attach to such material
- to promote cooperation with other organisations with similar aims
- to propose several services to its members (informing, encouraging joint projects, mentoring promising students, advising international organisations)
ARWA wholly and unequivocally endorses the principles of academic freedom and rejects any kind of discrimination based on age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, disability (physical, mental, behavioral, developmental), language or any other discriminatory factor. ARWA also rejects any attempts at historical revisionism or rewriting, consciously or unconsciously, biased past history.
Both organisations have a commitment to the promotion of professionalism and good practice in archaeology for the benefit of archaeological heritage and practice, the social valuing of archaeology in our societies. Both organisations cover a different geographical focus, with EAA specialised in Europe and ARWA in the Eastern Mediterranean, Western and Central Asia, and part of South Asia. Within these geographical boundaries, there are areas of overlap and contact. The two organisations understand their positions as complementary and see their cooperation as a strategy to promote the creation of new networks between their respective members. In particular, younger members of the community shall be supported and encouraged to pursue such networking.
Both organisations will
- seek to strengthen its relationship with the other
- consider working in partnership where corporate objectives and priorities coincide
- take care not to compete with the other
- encourage each other’s members to engage with members of the other organisation to widen the network and build up new contacts
- seek to cooperate with the other organisation on advocacy where policy or interests are common to both
- seek to promote the other’s events and services for members, where and when appropriate
The following areas have been identified for cooperation
- promotion of membership of the EAA and ARWA
- promotion of each other’s events and activities
- exploration of the potential for shared discounts, even if in a limited number, to members for conference registration fees
- develop a discount scheme with regards to the market price of booths at the annual or bi-annual meetings of each other, or support each other’s outreach through cross-posting
- provide information on activities and issues for each other’s publications
- promotion of common statements between both organisations for valuing archaeology in the geographic areas covered by the organisations
- exploration of a shared policy statement on current topics