The EAA is a fully democratic body which consists of various boards and committees whose members are chosen through an annual election process. The activities of the Association are co-ordinated through these groups together with a full-time Secretariat.

The EAA EXECUTIVE BOARD consists of three or four Officers (President, Incoming President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and six Ordinary Members, all of whom are elected by the membership. Additionally, the Board elects a Vice-President from its voting membership, who then also serves as an Officer and who remains in the position until the end of his/her elected mandate. The Vice-President can be re-elected to a second term. Each term on the Executive Board is for a three year period. One Officer and two Ordinary Members retire from the Executive Board each year at the Annual Membership Business Meeting. No member of the Executive Board can serve for more than two consecutive terms. The Executive Board can also make up to three co-options each year either to fill the places of elected members who are unable to fulfil their duties or who can specifically assist their work in some way.
Members are welcome to review the minutes of the Executive Board meetings.

Members can approach the EAA Executive Board members and the Statutory Committees via their dedicated @e-a-a.org email addresses below. General policy queries and concerns should be addressed to ExBoard@e-a-a.org (forwarded to all Executive Board elected and co-opted members). The Executive Board will discuss the matter internally and may seek advice from EAA Advisory Committees or other EAA constituents as relevant. Therefore, with respect to the internal democratic procedures, consultancy and the voluntary basis of Executive Board members’ work for the EAA, the response of the Executive Board is within the range of days in very urgent matters, and within the range of weeks in more complex matters.

- queries about EAA communities
- queries about EAA publications
- queries about EAA social media
- queries about EAA Annual Meetings
- queries about EAA Scientific committee
- queries about EAA's liaison with professional associations
- queries about EAA external relations
- queries about EAA Corporate Membership


Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
Eszter BanffyPresident (president@e-a-a.org)8/28/20209/1/202736
Sally Mary FosterSecretary (secretary@e-a-a.org)9/1/20209/1/20261219
Katarina Katja PredovnikTreasurer (treasurer@e-a-a.org)9/1/20239/1/202753529
Maria TaloniMember - Annual Meetings (annualmeetings@e-a-a.org)9/1/20209/1/202656730
Ariane BallmerMember - Corporate Members (corpmem@e-a-a.org)9/1/20219/1/202751505
Maria MinaMember - Professional associations (associations@e-a-a.org)9/1/20199/1/202565133
Bisserka GaydarskaMember - Publications (publications@e-a-a.org)9/1/20239/1/20262196
Fedir AndroshchukMember - Representation (representation@e-a-a.org)9/1/20229/1/202569670
Jesús García SánchezMember9/1/20249/1/202759150
The NOMINATION COMMITTEE consists of four members who serve for periods of four years, one retiring in rotation each year. No serving member of the Executive Board may be elected to membership of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee is responsible for nominating candidate(s) for vacant positions on the Executive Board.
In order to contact the Nomination Committee, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: NomCom@e-a-a.org
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm EndEmail
Cornelius HoltorfMember9/10/20219/1/2025cornelius.holtorf@lnu.se253
Matija CrešnarMember9/1/20229/1/2026matija.cresnar@ff.uni-lj.si51748
Katharina Rebay-SalisburyMember9/1/20239/1/2027Katharina.Rebay-Salisbury@univie.ac.at4542
Ileana MicarelliMember9/1/20249/1/2028im452@cam.ac.uk60747
The EDITOR of the European Journal of Archaeology (EJA) and between six to twelve EJA EDITORIAL BOARD members are nominated by the EAA Executive Board to cover the main areas of interest of the EJA.
In order to contact EJA Editors, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity:
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
Catherine FriemanEditor9/1/20159/1/202552709
Zena KamashDeputy Editor9/1/20199/1/202565300
Monika BaumanovaReviews Editor1/24/20249/1/202752631
Maria RelakiAssistant Reviews Editor9/1/20199/1/202562390
Jörn Volker LangMember9/1/20199/1/202565298
Georg HaggrenMember9/1/20199/1/202553896
Clara Masriera-EsquerraMember9/1/20199/1/202559929
Gonca DardenizMember9/1/20209/1/202656169
John H JamesonMember9/1/20209/1/202657376
Paul S. JohnsonMember9/1/20209/1/202662713
Sarah McClureMember9/1/20239/1/202659731
Carla Maria AmiciMember9/1/20239/1/202654750
Christopher KnuselMember9/1/20239/1/20261130
Barry MolloyMember9/1/20249/1/202754570
Caroline PoschMember9/1/20249/1/202764134
The EDITORS of The European Archaeologist (TEA) are nominated by the EAA Executive Board.
In order to contact TEA Editors, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: tea@e-a-a.org
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
Samantha Scott ReiterEditor9/10/20219/1/202756074
Matthew Joseph WalshEditor9/10/20219/1/202760333
The EDITOR of EAA social media is nominated by the EAA Executive Board.
In order to contact the EAA social media editor, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: mediaeditor@e-a-a.org
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm EndEmail
Joana Valdez-TullettSocial Media Editor9/1/20239/1/2026joanavaldez@gmail.com60428
The EDITOR of EAA blog is nominated by the EAA Executive Board.
In order to contact the EAA blog editor, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: blog@e-a-a.org
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm EndEmail
Vana OrfanouEditor9/1/20229/1/2025vanaorfanou@gmail.com65469
The EDITORS of EAA monograph series "THEMES in Contemporary Archaeology" are nominated by the EAA Executive Board.
In order to contact THEMES Editors, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: themes@e-a-a.org
The EDITORS of ELEMENTS series are nominated by the EAA Executive Board.
In order to contact ELEMENTS Editors, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: elements1@e-a-a.org
The BOOK PRIZE COMMITTEE is appointed by the EAA Executive Board for terms of three years, renewable once. The Book Prize Committee is responsible for the administration of the EAA Book Prize.
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
Robin SkeatesChair9/1/20229/1/20251888
Kristian KristiansenMember9/1/20229/1/2025300
Mehmet OzdoganMember9/1/20229/1/2025395
Christopher PrescottMember9/1/20229/1/2025418
Laurence MANOLAKAKISMember9/1/20229/1/20254843
Ariane BallmerMember9/1/20229/1/202551505
Uros MaticMember9/1/20229/1/202551977
Manuel Fernández-GötzMember9/1/20229/1/202553485
Jan KolarMember9/1/20229/1/202554104
Marinella PasquinucciMember9/1/20229/1/202557566
Nicola ScheyhingMember1/24/20249/1/202762652
The HERITAGE PRIZE COMMITTEE consists of no more than five members appointed by the EAA Executive Board who serve terms of three years, with the possibility of re-appointment for no more than one further term. The Heritage Prize Committee is responsible for the administration of the European Archaeological Heritage Prize.
In order to contact the Heritage Prize Committee, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: heritageprize@e-a-a.org
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
Nurcan YalmanMember9/1/20199/1/202557583
Jaime Almansa-SanchezMember9/10/20219/1/20274864
Georg HaggrenMember9/1/20229/1/202553896
Paulina FlorjanowiczMember9/1/20229/1/202569733
Jan MarikMember9/1/20229/1/20254613
The STATUTES COMMITTEE consists of three full members of the Association appointed by the Nomination Committee.
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm EndEmail
John CarmanMember9/1/20179/1/2026j.carman@bham.ac.uk2063
Kristian KristiansenMember 9/1/2025k.kristiansen@archaeology.gu.se300
Alessandro VanzettiMember9/10/20219/1/2027alessandro.vanzetti@uniroma1.it53580
The APPEAL AND ANTI-HARASSMENT COMMITTEE consists of at least six Full Members of the Association appointed by the Nomination Committee for terms of three years, renewable without limit.
The procedure to report discrimination, harassment, assault, bullying or intimidation can be found here.
In order to contact the Appeal and Anti-Harassment Committee, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: antiharassment@e-a-a.org


Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
Nils AnfinsetMember9/1/20229/1/202553078
Bettina ArnoldMember9/1/20229/1/202724
Laura ColtofeanMember9/1/20229/1/202658967
Joakim KjellbergMember9/1/20229/1/202553928
Margarita Sanchez RomeroMember9/1/20229/1/202554126
Philipp W. StockhammerMember9/1/20229/1/202759880
The SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE consists of a maximum of seven members (including the Chair but excluding the ex officio member of the Executive Board) appointed by the EAA Executive Board, who serve terms of three years, with the possibility of re-appointment for no more than one further term.
In order to contact the Scientific Advisory Committee, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: ScientificAdvisory@e-a-a.org
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
Andrea DolfiniMember9/1/20229/1/20254634
Maria Ivanova-BiegMember9/1/20229/1/20254489
Mette LøvschalMember9/1/20229/1/202662897
The HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE consists of a maximum of seven members (including the Chair but excluding the ex officio member of the Executive Board) appointed by the EAA Executive Board, who serve terms of three years, with the possibility of re-appointment for no more than one further term.
In order to contact the Heritage Advisory Committee, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: HeritageAdvisory@e-a-a.org
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
John CarmanChair9/1/20229/1/20252063
Jana Esther FriesMember9/1/20229/1/202552412
Marianne MödlingerMember9/1/20229/1/202651710
Gabor ViragosMember9/1/20229/1/202651590
Amanda ChadburnMember9/1/20239/1/2026770
The PUBLIC BENEFITS ADVISORY COMMITTEE consists of a maximum of seven members (including the Chair but excluding the ex officio member of the Executive Board) appointed by the EAA Executive Board, who serve terms of three years, with the possibility of re-appointment for no more than one further term.
In order to contact the Public Benefits Advisory Committee, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: PublicAdvisory@e-a-a.org
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
Carenza LewisChair9/1/20229/1/202659873
Timothy DarvillMember9/1/20229/1/2025121
Jesús Fernández FernándezMember9/1/20229/1/202664553
Almut SchülkeMember9/1/20229/1/202553207
The EDUCATION, TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE consists of a maximum of seven members (including the Chair but excluding the ex officio member of the Executive Board) appointed by the EAA Executive Board, who serve terms of three years, with the possibility of re-appointment for no more than one further term.
In order to contact the Education, Training and Professional Development Advisory Committee, the use of institutional EAA email addresses is preferred for the sake of continuity: EducationAdvisory@e-a-a.org
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm End
Laura ColtofeanChair9/1/20229/1/202558967
Michael D'AprixMember9/1/20229/1/202666554
Daniela HofmannMember9/1/20229/1/20254708
The STAFF comprises three full time and two part-time positions, appointed by the Executive Board following open selection procedure. Staff implement decisions of the Executive Board and ensure services to members and smooth running of the Association.
Practical queries about EAA membership or Annual Meetings should be directed to EAA staff at helpdesk@e-a-a.org. EAA staff aims to respond instantly or within 24 hours, when possible, but the helpdesk inbox is only monitored in usual working hours. The EAA Secretariat is closed for major bank holidays (Christmas, Easter) and in the week following the Annual Meeting; in these cases, an auto-responder is in place. The Secretariat follows the Czech calendar of one-day bank holidays; for these, no auto-responder is in place.
Full NamePositionTerm StartTerm EndEmail
Sylvie KvetinovaSenior Manager9/15/2005 administrator@e-a-a.org4063
Tereza MoravcováFinance Manager4/25/2024 financemanager@e-a-a.org72749
Magdalena KarabášEvents and Data Manager3/1/2023 eventsmanager@e-a-a.org71628
Lenka RácováFinancial and Administrative Assistant1/3/2024 finassist@e-a-a.org72709
Sára TylÅ¡ováFinancial and Administrative Assistant11/16/2020 communicationmanager@e-a-a.org67008
Kamila LukášováFinancial and Administrative Assistant6/1/2024 invoices@e-a-a.org75912
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