211. Human-made environments – The development of landscapes as resource assemblages

Sanctuaries of "rock-spring"? Ritual practices around Fajouse's site and in the Greek world / Dunyach, Ingrid
A cult cave for Dionysus and the Nymphs / Denk, Olivia
Astronomy and ritual in Iberian Iron Age cave-sanctuaries / Esteban, César
Caves in Bronze Age Central Italy: diverging or converging rituals? / Silvestri, Letizia - Achino, Katia Francesca - Angle, Micaela - Mancini, Daniela - Gatta, Maurizio - Rolfo, Mario Federico - Skeates, Robin
Is this ritual? Rock Art and Epigraphy in the Cave of "La Zaida", Used (Zaragoza, Spain) / Alfayé, Silvia - Bea, Manuel - Jordán, Carlos - Marco, Francisco - Utrilla, Pilar
Modes of religiosity in the Iberian Iron Age caves: religious behaviour and sensitive experience / Machause López, Sonia - Amorós López, Iván - Rueda Galán, Carmen - Grau Mira, Ignasi
Ritual and social identity at the Biniedris Cave (Alaior, Balearic Islands, Spain) /Moreno-Onorato, Auxilio - Alarcón-García, Eva - Diaz-Zorita Bonilla, Marta - Arboledas-Martínez, Luis
Ritual caves in networks of social practices. Landscape, memory and performance in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula González Reyero, Susana
Ritual Caves of the Ancient Maya / Moyes, Holley
Rituals in the Dark: Exploring Cave Rituality in Celtic-Roman Spain  Alfayé, Silvia
Sikkanum, baityloi and mașșebah. Aniconic Standing Stones of the LevantScheyhing, Nicola
The geoarchaeological evidence of a sanctuary desacralization during Roman times. High-resolution microstratigraphical analysis of Cova dels Jurats sediments (Calescoves, Menorca) / Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Mario - Orfila Pons, Margarita - Goldberg, Paul
The Riparo San Tommaso and the ritual landscapes of central Sicily between the 2nd and the 1st millennium BC / Giannitrapani, Enrico