TH5-05 - Plague in Diachronic and Interdisciplinary Perspective
Introduction - Plague in diachronic and Interdisciplinary perspective / Doris Gusmiedl-Schümann; Christina Lee; Sacha Kacki; Marcel Keller
Fleas, rats and other stories - The palaeoecology of the Black Death / Eva Panagiotakopolu, University of Edinburgh

Plague in the eastern Mediterranean region 1200-1000 BC? / Lars Walloe, University of Oslo, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Department of Physiology, Oslo
Early medieval burials of plague victims: examples from Aschheim and Altenerding (Bavaria, Germany) / Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann, Freie Universität Berlin; et al.
Plague in Valencia, 546: A case Study of he Integration of Texts and Archaeology / Henry Gruber, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
A demographic history of the plague bacillus revealed through ancient Yersinia pestis genomes / Maria Spyrou, Insitute for the Science of Human History, Jena; et al.
From Mild to Murderous: How Yersinia pestis Evolved to Cause Pneumonic Plague / Wyndham Lathem, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA; et al.
Reconstructing ancient pathogens - discovery of Yersinia pestis in Eurasia 5,000 Years Ago / Simon Rasmussen, Technical University of Denmark
Placing the Plague of Justinian in the Yersinia pestis phylogenetic context / Jennifer Klunk, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada; et al.
Analysis of a High-coverage Yersinia pestis Genome from a 6th Century Justinianic Plague Victim / Michal Feldman, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena; et al.
Germany and the Black Death: a zooarchaeological approach / Ptolemaios-Dimitrios Paxinos, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München